Call for Proposals FAQs

Call for Proposals FAQs

General Questions

When is the deadline for submitting a proposal to the Call for Proposals?

The original proposal submission deadline is February 10, 2020. All proposals must be submitted by this date and time. No exceptions

Do I need to be an AAS member to submit a proposal to the AAS-in-Asia Call for Proposals?

AAS Membership is not required to submit a proposal to the AAS-in-Asia Call for Proposals nor is it required in order to present at the conference.

How do I submit a proposal for a conference?

You may submit a proposal for a panel presentation or roundtable through our online submission system.

Login to My IAFOR or Create an account
Your email address will be used as your username and you will be asked to ​create a password. Please be aware that the information you enter when creating your account will be used for official Letters of Acceptance, Letters of Invitation, and Conference Programmes, so please ensure correct spelling of names, affiliated institutions, and so forth.

Submit to the Conference
Submit your proposal, choosing from the available presentation formats.

Receive a Confirmation
After submission, you will receive an automatic confirmation that your proposal has been received.

Initial Screening
Your submission will be reviewed by staff to ensure it conforms to accepted academic norms, and to screen out incomplete submissions.

Your submission will be reviewed by members of the Programme Committee

Final Review
Your submission will receive a final review the Programme Committee.

Result Notification
A result notification will be sent to you by February 28, 2020.

Conference registration will open in January 2020. Payment of registration fees is required of ALL PARTICIPANTS on accepted panels. All individuals attending the conference, including individuals accepted to present on panel sessions, are required to submit conference registration payment by May 15, 2020.
The names of panel participants WILL NOT appear in the Printed Programme unless participants are registered by the May 15, 2020 registration deadline.

Registration information will be sent to the proposal organiser at the time they are notified of their acceptance to the program.

AAS Conference Terminology & Roles

What is an innovative session?

The program committee supports innovative sessions that encourage bold thinking, lively dialogue, and audience involvement. For a list of possible formats, refer to the Call for Papers Innovative Panels Format full description.

What is the “One Appearance Rule”?

The AAS’ One Appearance Rule applies to the number of sessions an individual is allowed to actively participate. At this time, individuals are allowed to participate in only ONE panel session. This rule applies to all Chairs, Paper Presenters and Discussants and all session types (organized and roundtables).

What is the role of a session organizer?

The organizer is the individual who has worked to organize the session by contacting colleagues and scholars regarding forming a proposal for submission. Session organisers are responsible for compiling all of the required information (participant contact information, abstracts, etc.). The organizer typically submits the electronic proposal application. If the proposal is accepted, official notices are sent to organisers and this person is responsible for notifying participants of important. The AAS considers the organizer the official contact for the proposal submission.

What are the responsibilities of a session chair?

The chair of the session is responsible for leading the session at the conference. The chair will introduce participants; coordinate the distribution of papers among participants or discussants. Most importantly the chair of the session keeps time at the session to ensure speakers adhere to agree upon presentation times, ensuring that the session does not run over the session time limit. In most cases, the chair is also the organizer of the session.

What are the responsibilities of a session discussant?

The discussant usually serves in a moderator role. As determined by the organizer of the session, the discussant will with help facilitate discussion among the audience or serve to discuss in detail the content of the paper presentations.

Who is considered an official session participant?

The AAS considers anyone serving in the role of Chair, Paper Presenter or Discussant an official and active participant. Organisers of sessions are not considered participants as they do not actively participate in the session. The exception being that an organizer is also assigned one of three roles listed above.

Participation Questions

How many sessions can one person “Organize”?

An individual may organize an unlimited number of sessions

I am an organizer of a panel. May I present a paper or serve as discussant on another session?

Yes, Organisers are not considered active participants and therefore may participate in the role of chair, presenter or discussant on a different session from the original proposed session. The organizer may alternatively chair, present a paper, or serve as discussant on the same session.

What is the “One-Appearance Rule”?

The AAS’s One-Appearance Rule applies to the number of times an individual is allowed to actively participate on a session. At this time, individuals are allowed to participate on only ONE panel session. This rule applies to all Chairs, Paper Presenters, and Discussants, and all session types (organized panels, roundtables, and workshops).

Why is the AAS so strict regarding the one appearance rule?

The AAS would like to give as many individuals the opportunity to participate each year. Limiting the number of appearances assists us in accomplishing this goal. Additionally, and more importantly, there is the issue of scheduling. The program committee has the unique challenge of balancing and scheduling hundreds of panels, while also working to limit the number of panel conflicts within geographic areas of study, disciplines, topics AND participant’s requested scheduling due to personal work or travel conflicts. Allowing multiple appearances would increase the scheduling conflicts and only serve to prolong and further complicate the process.

I am only serving as the Chair/Discussanton a session; does this mean I can still present a paper on another panel?

No, the AAS considers all individuals taking part in any session type an active participant; this includes Chairs, Paper Presenters and Discussants. Therefore you cannot serve as an active participant in another session.

I understand I cannot participate in two sessions, but can I serve as chair and paper presenter on the same session?

Yes. You may serve multiple roles within one (1) session. For example, an individual may serve as chair and discussant, or chair and paper presenter on the SAME panel.

We have submitted a “two-part” session/”back to back” session? Does the one appearance rule apply here considering this really is the same panel but schedule in two parts?

The AAS considers two-part/back to back panels to be two separate panels. The acceptance of both proposed panels essentially takes a slot from another panel that for example, may not have been accepted due to space constraints. Therefore in the effort of fairness, “two-part” or “back to back” panels cannot contain the same individuals from the related panel.

Proposal Application

Can I save an incomplete application?


Can I edit my proposal after is has been submitted?

Not directly. Should you wish to make changes to a submitted proposal or completely withdraw a submitted proposal before the deadline, please contact the IAFOR Administration Office

Do I need to collect participants’ CV information?

NO – not at this time. But we strongly encourage all organisers to ensure the information entered on the proposal is current and accurate.

I am a participant on a session; can I make updates to the submitted proposal?

No. Only organisers have access to make changes to the proposal submissions.

I submitted a proposal and did not receive a confirmation email from the AAS.

The proposal submission system automatically generates a confirmation email for all proposals.

Individual Paper Proposals

May I submit an individual paper for submission?

Unlike the annual conference, the AAS-in-ASIA conference does not accept Individual Papers for consideration. Authors of Individuals Papers should coordinate with fellow colleagues to organize or participate on an Organized Panel Session. For your convenience, the AAS has posted a Forum website to assist interested individuals looking for participants or individuals looking to join a proposal for consideration. Please visit the Individuals seeking Sessions/Organizers seeking Participants Forum. (only available to AAS Members)

Travel Funding

One of my participants is in need of travel funding. Does the AAS offer travel stipends and how do I apply?

See the Call for Proposal instructions for full information regarding travel subsidies. You may request a travel subsidy within the main Call for Proposals application.

What is the deadline for submitting Travel Subsidy requests?

All travel subsidy requests must be received by the February 10, 2020 proposal submission deadline. The ‘application’ for a travel subsidy is located within the main proposal submission application.

I already submitted the proposal but I have just learned my participant would like to apply for a Travel Subsidy. Can I update my proposal?

Not directly. Please contact the IAFOR Administration Office. We cannot accept requests after the panel proposal deadline.

More than one of my panel participants is in need of travel funding? Can I apply for more than one person?

We can only accept a request for one individual per session. However, you may request to split the funding. This means, you must officially submit one name for the grant but in your comments section can request to split the award between two individuals. The $2000 award maximum amount still applies; amounts will not be increased due to two or more people splitting the award.


When is the registration deadline for participants?

All accepted participants must register by the posted deadline.

Why does the participant registration deadline differ from the general conference registration deadline?

The AAS has strict guidelines regarding participants and registration. All participants must register by the April deadline in order to have their name printed in the conference program. The conference program goes into production in April in order to be formatted, printed and shipped in time for June Conference.

Proposal Decisions

What are the most important areas I should consider when organizing my session proposal?

Session organisers are advised to diversify their session proposal. Multi-disciplinary and/or multi-institutional representation, as well as gender balance and a combination of junior and senior scholars, are strongly encouraged for all proposals.

Who makes the decision to accept proposals?

The Program Committee reviews all proposals and selects the sessions to be held at the upcoming annual meeting. The program committee is divided into subcommittees for each proposal submission geographic area (China and Inner Asia, Northeast Asia, South Asia & Southeast Asia, and Inter-area/Border Crossing. These subcommittees will review all proposals submitted within each area.

How/when will I be notified if my Session Proposal has been accepted?

The Program Committee will complete their final decision in February 2020 and session organizers/proposal submitters will be notified of acceptance shortly after the meeting. Session organizers have the final responsibility of notifying the members of the proposed panel of the Program Committee’s decision. If you do not receive an official decision email by the end of February 2020, it may be because you did not complete the submission process properly, your email address may be listed incorrectly, or your email may have blocked the automated message. Please contact the IAFOR Administration Office.

My proposal was accepted. Now what?

All individuals on accepted panel proposals are now considered participants. All participants will receive an informational email regarding their participation and next steps, including registration information and full session information.

Do I need to submit my full paper?

The AAS does not require or accept full papers for the conference. We do not print or sell papers. However, the abstracts from panel sessions at previous conferences are posted on our website.

May I make changes to my panel after my panel has been accepted?

The AAS will only accept the following changes to panels after acceptance: 1) Personal address and affiliation information, 2) Panel/Paper title and minor abstract edits and updates, 3) Replacement names for participants that have withdrawn from the panel. We will not accept NEW and additional names to be added to the panel, including new co-author names that were not added on the original submission. All changes must be sent to IAFOR directly. Please contact the IAFOR Administration Office.